Sound yoga session
Guided meditation
Whether you are new to meditation or have been meditating for years, you should most certainly know the power and benefits you can gain from following a guided meditation.
A guided meditation is an exercise that is perfect in relieving the daily stress you are facing by simply learning how to concentrate and focus long enough to get a few minutes of peaceful relaxation.

Binaural beats technology
Brain waves entrainment production

Micro yogic exercise
Audio + music playlist
They're strategically placed in audio tracks, together with musical accompaniment, to create a soothing mood and trigger specific parts of the brain simultaneously. What happens when you play these tracks?

Different techniques
Manifestation program

Daily Mind Cleaning activity
What kind of topics are included?...
There are 108+ live topics waiting for you to be explored
- Sound Meditation
- Affirmation meditation
- Visualization Challenge
- Goal setting formula
- Healthy relationship
- Fear & phobia buster
- Healthy life style
- Spiritual parenting
- Inner child connection
- Past life regression
- Breathing/micro yogic exercise
- Deep AUM Meditation
- Binaural beats meditation
- Intuitive ability - ESP
- 7 chakra balance
- 5 elements Balance
- Abundance consciousness mindset
- Self healing
- Live with nature tree meditation
- Future life progression
- Sleep Improvement Dose
- Self Esteem formula
- Gratitude Journal
- Mind Activation techniques
- Family Bonding system
- Many more to come...
- Who don’t have time for themselves or are not able to spend time for self-improvement and meditation
- Who needs more stress-free life
- Who want to better manage and balance in all directions of life as mental, physical, social, and spiritual
- Who wants to clean garbage/junk files as a thoughts form their mind on a daily basis
- Who wants to stop procrastination and be an action taker
- Who needs more clarity and better focus in their life.
- Who wants to get rid of any addiction and improve the overall human being
- Who don’t have any problems but just need more consistency and productivity in routine life
- Who wants to live a more happy and healthier life as it's our conscious choice
- Greater Relief from Stress and having the strength to manage it properly
- Gives you more Focus and Confidence
- Improved Relationships, not only with others but with yourself too.
- Enhance the clarity of thinking
- Improved mental skills with more awareness
- Get relief from common ailments
- Decrease anxiety and depression and feel the change gradually
- Increase more Happy hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphin.
- Increase and stabilize required brain waves production gradually.
- Reducing negative emotion that leads to patience and Self-awareness
- Learn to live in the present moment and Heal the most required part of your life.
- Sound yoga session
- guided meditation
- binaural beats technology
- Sound yoga session
- guided meditation
- binaural beats technology
- brain waves entrainment production
- micro yogic exercise
- Sound yoga session
- guided meditation
- binaural beats technology
- brain waves entrainment production
- micro yogic exercise
- Audio + music playlist
- Different techniques
- 108+ Intuitive Guided Live Meditation
- Sound yoga session
- guided meditation
- binaural beats technology
- brain waves entrainment production
- micro yogic exercise
- Audio + music playlist
- Different techniques
- Manifestation program
- Daily Mind Cleaning activity

Sound yoga session

Guided meditation
Whether you are new to meditation or have been meditating for years, you should most certainly know the power and benefits you can gain from following a guided meditation.
A guided meditation is an exercise that is perfect in relieving the daily stress you are facing by simply learning how to concentrate and focus long enough to get a few minutes of peaceful relaxation.

Binaural beats technology

Brain waves entrainment production

Micro yogic exercise

Audio + music playlist
They're strategically placed in audio tracks, together with musical accompaniment, to create a soothing mood and trigger specific parts of the brain simultaneously. What happens when you play these tracks?

Different techniques

Manifestation program

Daily Mind Cleaning activity
What kind of topics are included?...
- Sound Meditation
- Affirmation meditation
- Visualization Challenge
- Goal setting formula
- Healthy relationship
- Fear & phobia buster
- Healthy life style
- Spiritual parenting
- Inner child connection
- Past life regression
- Breathing/micro yogic exercise
- Deep AUM Meditation
- Binaural beats meditation
- Intuitive ability - ESP
- 7 chakra balance
- 5 elements Balance
- Abundance consciousness mindset
- Self healing
- Live with nature tree meditation
- Future life progression
- Sleep Improvement Dose
- Self Esteem formula
- Gratitude Journal
- Mind Activation techniques
- Family Bonding system
- Many more to come...
- Who don’t have time for themselves or are not able to spend time for self-improvement and meditation
- Who needs more stress-free life
- Who want to better manage and balance in all directions of life as mental, physical, social, and spiritual
- Who wants to clean garbage/junk files as a thoughts form their mind on a daily basis
- Who wants to stop procrastination and be an action taker
- Who needs more clarity and better focus in their life.
- Who wants to get rid of any addiction and improve the overall human being
- Who don’t have any problems but just need more consistency and productivity in routine life
- Who wants to live a more happy and healthier life as it's our conscious choice
- Greater Relief from Stress and having the strength to manage it properly
- Gives you more Focus and Confidence
- Improved Relationships, not only with others but with yourself too.
- Enhance the clarity of thinking
- Improved mental skills with more awareness
- Get relief from common ailments
- Decrease anxiety and depression and feel the change gradually
- Increase more Happy hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphin.
- Increase and stabilize required brain waves production gradually.
- Reducing negative emotion that leads to patience and Self-awareness
- Learn to live in the present moment and Heal the most required part of your life.
- Sound yoga session
- guided meditation
- binaural beats technology
- Sound yoga session
- guided meditation
- binaural beats technology
- brain waves entrainment production
- micro yogic exercise
- Sound yoga session
- guided meditation
- binaural beats technology
- brain waves entrainment production
- micro yogic exercise
- Audio + music playlist
- Different techniques
- Sound yoga session
- guided meditation
- binaural beats technology
- brain waves entrainment production
- micro yogic exercise
- Audio + music playlist
- Different techniques
- Manifestation program
- Daily Mind Cleaning activity
They come in undisclosed three packages
Note if the case is particularly serious we will have a different price.
COVID-19 - Working online and by telephone
To accomplish more in life, it is essential to take more action. However, our limiting beliefs and our lack of confidence can drastically hamper our ability to take action. How can you change your mind to motivate yourselves to take more action? Here is where you actually get some elements to help focus on that change, be more confident, and as a result take more action.

Our Clients Speak for us

Sandip Mangukiya
Proprietor, Sahay Finance Consultancy
I love the assistance Parth has and is providing to me. Don’t know what I’d do without him! I’ve gone through many ‘life events’ while seeing Vyas and he rolls with it with me… it’s so reassuring to know a true professional cares about this one patient of hers. He’s simply the best!!! I always say, ‘everyone needs a Vyas!’ I mean that as the highest compliment I could say. Thank you all!

Bhavina Patel
Advocate, High Court
Hi Parth! I again wanted to extend a heartfelt and humble thank you from an extremely grateful man. (My son) came to you many years ago as a confused and troubled teen….he will (now) achieve his dream. A dream I can say was unreachable in my opinion without your guidance with him and myself. Thank you Dr. Vyas for a job well done.
Membership FAQs
Our unique guided Meditations are for the inexperienced and experienced alike! Members find that the daily/weekly group meditations have lasting effects that ripple throughout their lives, waking and sleeping.
Meditating with a group is more powerful that magnifying your personal requests out to the world.
When we do this, beauty and magic show up exponentially at the individual level.
Some of the key benefits members have cited:
• They have never felt connected with themselves this deeply before.
• They become so relaxed they simply fall asleep.
• The healing continues into their dreams.
It’s easy to keep up with the program.
Click the Member Access button in the lower right corner of the website and find your relevant membership packages
Login using your chosen username and password.
You will receive a conformation email. Rest other details will be provided via call or whatsapp.
Please refer to our membership page, in which you’ll get all the micro details and you can contact us for more details on our email
Please send us an email on about cancelling your membership and we’ll cancel your membership soon.
You can use Razorpay for domestic payment and for international payment, you can use PayPal or stripe. You can select manual or auto debit facility.
Please no freeloading!
Don’t take advantage of our gift to you.
You can email or whatsapp us for more details.
Only 1 free trial per person. If you enjoyed your trial please consider signing up as a Member to continue your journey with me or book a Discovery Call to see how I can help you.
Disrespect of any kind will not be tolerated. I reserve the right to discontinue the Membership Trial of anyone who abuses the rules.
Repeat abuse of the Membership Trial or any of its facets will result in a permanent ban to further services from
You will get all details related to live guided meditation on your email or call/whatsapp. We will send you daily schedule and forecast summary too.
Membership Policy
- Special discounts are not applicable to the membership program.
- All sessions never expire, if the member is in good standing.
- Monthly EFT auto draft or credit card on file for automatic payment. No contract/no additional fees.
- Membership is monthly, quarter a year, half-yearly or yearly
- Members can cancel at any time with a one-month notification. One month after you tell us you want to cancel your membership will end. You will be billed during the last month of your membership. Canceling a membership will expire all membership benefits 30 days after notification.
- Non-transferable or shareable.
- Membership can be upgraded from a lower plan to a desired higher plan
- All “Special Members Only” discounts and offers will be emailed to you so make sure we have your current email address on file.